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Komfortní blikání (Trippling)

Napsal: 15 lis 2018, 21:35
od DavidCZ
Zkoušel někdo realizovat přes arduino komfortní blikání(trippling) do auta?
U starších aut dodělání 3x bliknutí blinkru pouze klepnutím do páčky.

Na zahraničním foru jsem našel pouze tento program , ale nedaří se mi to rozchodit :roll:

Kód: Vybrat vše

#include <TimerOne.h>

 int leftTurnSignal = 3;
 int rightTurnSignal = 2;
 int leftcommand = 6;
 int rightcommand = 7;
 int convenientlength = 270;              // indirectly defines number of turn signal blinks. It is defined by length of time (set it for your car accordingly)
 int convtimedetector = 28;               // time needed to detect convenient MODE. If handle is pressed shortet than this time, system goes into convenient MODE, if not it will act as a normal blinking.
 int counter = 0;
 boolean starttime = false;
 boolean leftactivated = false;
 boolean rightactivated = false;

  void setup()
    Timer1.initialize(10000);             // Timer1 length is 10000us which triggers the interrupt every 0.01 sec
    Timer1.attachInterrupt(timerIsr);     // enable Timer1 interrupt
    pinMode(leftcommand, INPUT);
    pinMode(rightcommand, INPUT);
    pinMode(leftTurnSignal, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(rightTurnSignal, OUTPUT);
  void loop()
      if (digitalRead(leftcommand) == 1 && digitalRead(rightcommand) == 0) leftactivated = true;
      if (digitalRead(rightcommand) == 1 && digitalRead(leftcommand) == 0) rightactivated = true;
//Left Turn Signal Control

      if (leftactivated == true)
           rightactivated = false;
           digitalWrite(leftTurnSignal, HIGH);
           starttime = true;
           if (counter >= convtimedetector)
                   if (digitalRead(leftcommand) == 0)
                         while (counter <= convenientlength && digitalRead(rightcommand) != 1)                        //This is the place where CONVENIENT MODE for the left turn signal starts.
                                leftactivated = false;
                         digitalWrite(leftTurnSignal, LOW);
                         starttime = false;
                         counter = 0;
                         while (digitalRead(leftcommand) == 1)
                                //digitalWrite(leftTurnSignal, HIGH);
                                starttime = false;
                                leftactivated = false;                   
                         digitalWrite(leftTurnSignal, LOW);
                         starttime = false;
//Right Turn Signal Control

      if (rightactivated == true)
            leftactivated = false;
            digitalWrite(rightTurnSignal, HIGH);
            starttime = true;
            if (counter >= convtimedetector)
                   if (digitalRead(rightcommand) == 0)
                         while (counter <= convenientlength && digitalRead(leftcommand) != 1)                        //This is the place where CONVENIENT MODE for the right turn signal starts.
                                rightactivated = false;
                         digitalWrite(rightTurnSignal, LOW);
                         starttime = false;
                         counter = 0;
                         while (digitalRead(rightcommand) == 1)
                                //digitalWrite(rightTurnSignal, HIGH);
                                starttime = false;
                                rightactivated = false;                   
                         digitalWrite(rightTurnSignal, LOW);
                         starttime = false;


/// --------------------------
/// Custom ISR Timer Routine
/// --------------------------
  void timerIsr()
      if (starttime == true) ++counter;
      if (starttime == false) counter = 0;